When is it time for ASSISTED LIVING?

When is it time for ASSISTED LIVING

As your parents or loved one’s age, you notice subtle signs and the increasing need for additional support and care in their day to day living spaces and surroundings. This is often the 1st indication that they might require further assistance and that you should consider additional steps to assist them in exploring various available options on what the next step should be in their lives.

One must ensure continued independence and minimal interference with routine but fully be aware of what care options are available to create a continuous quality of life and safe living space. 

If you suspect your friend or relative may no longer be safe living on their own, use our guide to assess the situation.

Moving your parent or loved one into Assisted Living can be hard for everyone involved, but sometimes the most difficult part is knowing when the time is right to make the move. There are some obvious signs and some not so obvious signs. An injury or change in their health is the most common sign that could be a red flag for families, but there are also some subtle signs to look out for that might indicatethe appropriate time for the family to consider an assisted living home.

Household upkeep is becoming a challenge

Are general chores and house maintenance starting to be neglected? If your loved one can’t keep up with housework and can’t afford to get extra help, an assisted living  Home could reduce their stress level and provide a healthier environment. Although owning a home comes with a certain freedom, the upkeep may be more than they can handle, and it becomes a burden. Try discussing it with them and see if they would prefer to live in a place where they won’t have to worry about maintenance and household chores. At an assisted living home, residents do not have the stress of home maintenance, housekeeping, security, or day-to-day upkeep tasks.

Existing or worsening mobility issues

Can your loved one or parent get up and move around easily and comfortable by themselves. Do they currently have a walking aid, or need to hold onto furniture or balance themselves regularly against the wall? All of these are signs they may need additional assistance. At an assisted living home, carers are available 24/7 to help. Whether it’s going to the bathroom, moving around the room, or doing daily tasks. Also, all the bathrooms and functional areas are designed for residents with limited mobility and have additional handrails or wider entrances to allow for mobility aids.

Risk of falls

If the person has fallen previously or is at risk of falling, how long might they be stuck before someone arrives to help? Falls, especially if your loved one can’t get help, are a sign that it’s time for more help or an assisted living Home . At an assisted living home, carers regularly check on the residents throughout the day, and each resident has an emergency call bell in their room to call for help at any time.

When is it time for ASSISTED LIVING

Cleaning and bathing themselves

Has your loved one stopped taking care of themselves? These can be signs that someone is having a hard time bathing, which puts them at risk of infection and increases the likelihood of mental and emotional decline. Problems with self-care or other daily activities are a sign someone may not be OK living by themselves. At an assisted living home, residents can get assistance with daily hygiene, whether it’s a helping hand into the shower or getting dressed.

Difficulty monitoring and administering medication

If your loved one isn’t keeping up with their medications, it could be a sign. But it’s important to understand the why first. Is it a financial problem, do they forget to take it, or do they not want to take it? At assisted living, staff can make assist with medication administering and monitoring, making sure they take the necessary medicine they need.

Chronic or declining health issues

If declining health is a concern, it might be time to make the move to an assisted living home. Likewise, if they’re taking longer to recover from illness or injury, this can be a sign of a weakening immune system and they might need more care soon. Talk to their doctor for additional information and the best way to proceed forward. Having full-time care in an assisted living  home might improve their health.

Difficulty with daily living activities (ADLs)

Can your loved one cook for themselves? Can they do their laundry? If not, you should look into full-time care. Living in a Home  that handles things like cooking and cleaning can give your loved one more time for socializing or doing the things they love.

Depression or lack of motivation

Even if your parent or loved ones are capable of caring for themselves, they might be ready for a change. Do they keep up with regular social activities and engagements? If they don’t seem happy, ask if a change in their living situation could improve their mood. They may have started to feel alone or isolated and incapable of doing the things they used to enjoy doing. In assisted living homes, residents get continuous social interaction, activities, and support. It can be a really healthy environment as they are with liked-minded peers at all times, and can relate to the time of their lives they are in.

Disoriented or confused

Does your parent or loved one become disoriented or confused quite easily? This could be an early sign of a memory care-related issue. It is best to seek professional medical advice from your doctor who will be able to assess and advise on the best care options needed for your loved one.

Aggressive behaviour or mood swings

Again, this could be a sign of memory-related issues arising. . It is best to seek professional medical advice from your doctor, who will be able to assess and advise on the best care options needed for your loved one.

They don’t have support or their carer is burnt out

Is there someone who regularly checks in on your loved one or parent at their home? Or does their spouse care for them? Being a caregiver is hard work, both physically and emotionally. If you or another relative are providing full-time care for your loved one, it may become impossible for the caregiver to provide adequate care. At an assisted living home care is available 24/7 from our quality of life teams.

Neglecting the pets

Does your parent or loved one struggle to care for their pet, either with feeding or exercising. This inability to take care of animals might be a sign of immobility or cognitive problems. Some assisted living facilities allow pets; consider finding one that does if animals are an important part of your loved one or parent’s life. 

When is it time for ASSISTED LIVING

Bottom line: Is it time for assisted living?

Acknowledging that someone you love needs full-time care is difficult. Recognizing that you can’t give them the care they need can be challenging too. But if you are concerned about their wellbeing, start off by talking to them. As far as possible they should be involved in the process. Involve their doctor and a financial advisor in your conversations so you both understand all choices available.

There are many different types of elderly accommodation available, offering various services that cater to different needs. To find out more about Assisted Living specifically at Nazareth Care you can click here: https://nazarethcare.co.za/assisted-living/.

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