My Vocational Journey: Sister Bulangizi Mugande

When l was in primary school we were taught by the sisters ( Missionary Daughters of Calvary). l always admired their beautiful white habits. And l wanted to be a sister because of sister’s habits. At secondary school the desire of being a sister grew strong in me. I vividly remember when we were asked in class to write about our future jobs, l wrote that l want to be a sister. My teacher after reading my composition he told me that when you become a sister you will not have your own family, immediately my thoughts of being a sister changed. Coming from a family of three boys and two girls l knew my parents will not allow that. And l did not clearly understand what it means to be a sister, for l wanted to be a sister with children. When l went home l shared with the family what my teacher said about my future job as a sister. My father who is a nurse at a Mission Hospital owned by the Catholic sisters explained to me well what it means to be a sister. After the explanation from my father the thoughts of being a sister vanished in my mind. Years passed by and l finished my high school education in Kariyangwe (Binga). l went to Bulawayo were l lived with my three brothers for three years and trained as a till operator . Luckily enough after training l got job in a supermarket as till operator. I really enjoyed my job though sometimes it would be too busy. Still happy with my job the strong thought of being a sister came back into my mind but l ignored it for I didn’t want to leave my job. I was given two weeks break from work and l travelled to Binga to visit my parents I took this opportunity to mention to my family about my thoughts of being a sister but l didn’t know where to start or how to say it. One day I had the courage during supper time l just asked my parents “let’s say l want to be a sister what will you do with me “After a pause my father said, “as long you are happy with your decision “ l was astounded with my father’s response. All was left to me to think and decide, and few days were left for me to go back to work .Back to work l did not know how to tell my manager that l was leaving the job. It was really difficult time for me to decide which road to take. Finally l had to be courageous and find proper time to talk to my manager about my decision to leave, which l did although he was not happy with short notice . Now I was staying home and l started attending vocation workshops from different congregations. Whilst l was still discerning l shared with my parish priest about my desire to be a sister. He gave me the leaflets of the Franciscan sisters, Daughters of Calvary and Sisters of Nazareth. I read through all the leaflets .What really touched me with the Sisters of Nazareth is their charism. After few months of discerning about the Sisters of Nazareth l contacted Sister Irene for l found her mobile number on the leaflets. I phoned her to ask about their programme and if I could come and see. She told me that there someone coming next month and it will be lovely to join her ,which I did. After my come and see l stayed a few months home discerning and finally l decided to join the sisters of Nazareth in February 2016. I made my First Profession in Hammersmith on the 24th September 2020. Currently, I am in Johannesburg happily working with the elderly.

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