CEO Staff Support Fund - Jonathan Zuma

In light of the pandemic, Wayne Devy, Nazareth Care Africa CEO, initiated the CEO Staff Support Fund with the mission to continue funding our non-essential staff who have been temporarily laid-off as well as any staff particularly struggling financially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We reached out to all staff at Nazareth Houses across the region and received a few applications for financial assistance. This week we are giving assistance to Jonathan Zuma from our Nazareth House Durban. Jonathan has been in service with us for the last 6 years. He is our resident gardener and handyman. He lives in a rural are in Inanda and has to leave home at 4.30am each morning as there is only one bus in the area that provides a service of transportation.

Jonathan’s household consists of 5 adults and 4 children, with Jonathan being the sole breadwinner. Nazareth Care will be assisting Jonathan with covid-19 financial support to help through these difficult times by covering 3 months of his travel costs. Thank you Jonathan for your service to Nazareth Care and we hope the funding assistance brings a smile to you and your family during this time! 

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