5 Tips for Transitioning to Life in an Aged Care Facility

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

Even when you have peace of mind that the decision to move to an aged care facility was the right one, it can still be a daunting experience. Navigating a new environment, a new routine, and a sea of new faces can be overwhelming in the beginning. But with our handy tips, you’ll cruise through the challenges and feel right at home in no time …

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

1. Adjusting to a new schedule

For understandable reasons, a care facility needs to run according to a schedule, but it is no boot camp. There will be room for you to share your preferred routine and, where possible, care facility staff will try to accommodate you. For instance, are you an early bird who enjoys an 5 am cuppa and a walk in the garden before breakfast or do you wish to sleep a little later and have a quiet morning? Finding a new routine that works for everyone may require a bit of give and take, but it can be done. And where there are changes … you may even find that they’re as good as a holiday!

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

2. Dietary changes

If you were used to choosing and preparing your own meals, you may find that being served takes a bit of getting used to … At Nazareth Care we understand this and we try to leave as much choice as possible in your hands by serving all our meals buffet style: you pick how much of what you want to eat. You can also take comfort in the fact that all our meals are balanced and nutritious. And you can leave the dishes to someone else!

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

3. Getting enough zzzz …

A good night’s rest is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Getting enough shut eye in a strange environment with its new sights and sounds may initially prove challenging. Consider using ear plugs and/or a sleep mask to block out unwanted sounds and light. Also try to find a relaxing bed-time routine that works for you – perhaps a cup of camomile tea and a good book or some soothing music … whatever floats your (dream) boat.

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

4. Social matters

At your new aged care facility, you will encounter a host of new people, including care staff and residents. Extroverts and social butterflies may find this stimulating, but more introverted individuals may wish to build some quiet me-time into their day. Nazareth Care has a lot to offer, both in terms of socialising opportunities (think shared mealtimes, chair exercises and movie nights, to name but a few) and quiet retreats (tranquil gardens, soothing interiors, in-house libraries). We also understand that continuity is important and that you are coming to our aged care facility with an existing social circle. You are always more than welcome to invite them into your new home for a visit!

5 tips for transitioning to life in an aged care facility

5. Getting used to your new space

Scaling down is often the biggest headache when moving into an aged care facility. Parting with precious possessions can be an emotional journey, but living lighter can also prove to be a liberating experience. It may a be a good idea to get a floor plan of your new unit ahead of time, so that you can plan accordingly. Don’t be afraid to personalize your new space – even if it is a shared room – with a few touches that is uniquely you. Read our article on the scaling down process for more tips and ideas.

We hope that these tips have been useful and that you’ll soon feel settled in and at peace in your new surroundings.

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