Sisters on a Mission

The Sisters of Nazareth are unremittingly involved in outreach programmes and community work projects across the country including Harare, Zimbabwe. Some of these outreaches and community work projects require the Sisters to visit remote locations and provide support, care, and basic necessities to those who need it most. 

Tichakunda Mission in Harare, Zimbabwe, was started by Sr. Irene Holland who is now Superior of our Johannesburg Home. Since Sister Lorraine’s arrival to Harare in October 2019 she’s only had the privilege of visiting the Mission once, due of the shortage of petrol at the time in the country and now that we are all in lockdown. Nazareth House supports the Mission regularly with clothing, mealie meal and furniture when possible. The land was bought by the Generalate (our Mother House in Hammersmith) and to this day much progress, has taken place. These include bedrooms with bunks for 34 children that are now cared for on the premises. There are over 500 children that come for schooling and are fed during the day. The community has a self-generated project of growing veggies, and the children receive daily nutritious meals . 

The teachers give their services on a voluntary basis, and likewise the running of this project began by a devoted and dedicated Mother and her four grown up children, who are constantly on the go morning, noon, and night. Naturally everything is dependent on donations and the finance of this Mission is in the hands of well established Trustee. Any monies received abroad for this Mission comes through the Sisters of Nazareth Account, for transparency. We the Sisters of Nazareth, in Harare, will continue to support Tichakunda Mission and keep a close eye on all future developments and Finance.

“On behalf of Tichakunda Mission, I would like to say thank you Sister, for the generous donation of clothes, shoes and jerseys. We thank you so much. This winter our children will stay warm.”

With your support the Sisters of Nazareth can continue to expand their critical welfare work and provide much needed relief in these poor and impoverished areas. 

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