My Vocational Journey: Sister Chitondezyo Nyoni

I belong to a family of three girls of which l am the last born. Since my childhood I had a desire of being a religious Sister because each and every day I used to admire the Daughters of Calvary Sisters at our Parish. I was inspired much by their prayer life, hospitality and ministry. As a Missionary Childhood, my mother used to leave me with the Sisters praying rosary and practising dancing for the following Sunday Mass. This uplifted my soul as a Child and I used to say, when I grow up I would like to work with the Children as a Sister because of the joy I used to see within the Sisters. My mother thought I was going to join the Daughters of Calvary Sisters when I was a grown up girl but God’s ways are not our ways. When I was at High School, the desire I had as a Child of being a Sister vanished. I started to dream big saying, l would like to be a police woman and have a family with one Child but God had different plans for me. During that time, I was much involved in the Parish church. l used to attend singing courses, conducting the choir every Sunday Mass and I loved it. Some Parishioners used to tell me that, one day you will be a great Sister because you are so devoted and involved in the Parish and I would answer saying, “ as long it pleases God”. So when I was doing my ‘A‘ level, there were some workshops for vocation promotion conducted by the Franciscan Sisters as well as the Daughters of Calvary Sisters, I started to attend those workshops and I went for ‘Come and See‘ to the Franciscans Sisters but I felt that God was not calling me to their way of life. So I continued praying and discerning where God wanted me to be.

One day it happened in the Church, there were some leaflets of the Nazareth Sisters and there was information about them. After three months of prayer and discernment I found courage to contact one of the Sisters in Zimbabwe Harare. After sometime, I was invited for come and see in February 2017 and I stayed with the Sisters for two months. I returned home still discerning whether God wanted me to be a Nazareth Sister, eventually I joined the Sisters of Nazareth. I was received on the 16th of June as a Candidate which was a great excitement for me. I continued journeying with the Lord and I was received as a Novice on the 7th of October 2018 in London. I lived there for two years and I made my vows of Chastity, Obedience, and Poverty on the 24th of September 2020. I am a Sister in temporal vows, still discerning my journey with the Lord. At the moment lam in Johannesburg working with the Children. Vocation is a mystery. We are all called by the Lord to serve Him and His people though differently. There is always joy and happiness dwelling in the house of the Lord. Pray, listen, and let God’s will be done.

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